In Vino Veritas

The Wine, the ancient "nectar of the Gods" of Roman Civilization,

often appears on our tables, constantly in sign of joy for the meal, pleasant companion of delicious dishes and joyful accomplice of cheerful conviviality. It has always been a symbol of 'earthy' taste as a natural drink and a synonym of taste, the one starting with a capital T letter , from the peasant culture to the most refined and high-end palates, with the respective characteristics that distinguish many intrinsic qualities but all united in genuineness; certainly dictated not only by the raw material of the ouvage but also by the procedures that have been specialized over the centuries.

A nutritional companion, of course, for the excellent qualities of its natural chemical constituents, a vehicle for biological protection factors, especially for the endothelial structures of the vascular wall structural matrix, but also for further vitamin contributions.

 But be aware, we all know, the level of the alcohol content that is there to preserving, is so "important" for the cenesthetic action of the meal,and it has to be monitored, without abusing of it absolutely.

So welcome to the Wine, historical prince of healthy and genuine nutrition but with equal healthy moderation!

This is the secret that exalts its effects and removes the disorders of alcoholic intoxication (ethylism), acute or chronic, which is a clear damage to our "dear and loved" cells of our unique body.